Metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular risk



Project’s full title: “Metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular risk and comorbidity among patients visiting primary healthcare units”

Funding agency: Pharmaceutical Company “ELPEN”
Project number: 4324
Project duration: July 2015 –December 2015
Project carrier: Clinic of Social and Family medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Crete
Principal Investigator (P.I.): Christos Lionis, Professor of General Practice and Primary Health Care
Project Manager: Vasilaki Eirini

Overall aim: This observational study aims to assess the frequency of metabolic syndrome and the comorbidity of patients visiting primary healthcare units on the island of Crete. One of the specific objectives is to develop a database to monitor the cardiovascular morbidity in a selected population who are visiting GPs in Crete with the assistance of thecardiovascular risk based on the European Heart Association guidelines (ESG, CVD Prevention:, adapted to the Greek environment ( (Panagiotakos et al., 2007) .

Wednesday the 12th.
Ανάπτυξη: Φιολιτάκης Εμμανουήλ

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