

Project title:Translational Research And Patient Safety in Europe”



FP7 programme: FP7-ICT-2009-4

Acronym: “TRANSFORM”

Project number:247787

Project duration: 01 March 2010 – 28 Feb 2015

Project coordinator:Kings College London


Involvement: As a partner


TRANSFoRm aims to develop the technology that facilitates a learning healthcare system. TRANSFoRm brings together a highly multidisciplinary consortium where three carefully chosen clinical ‘use cases’ will drive, evaluate and validate the approach to the ICT challenges. The project will build on existing work at international level in clinical trial information models (BRIDG and PCROM), service-based approaches to semantic interoperability and data standards (ISO11179 and controlled vocabulary), data discovery, machine learning and electronic health records based on open standards (openEHR). TRANSFoRm will extend this work to interact with individual eHR systems as well as operate within the consultation itself providing both diagnostic support and support for the identification and follow up of subjects for research. The approach to system design will be modular and standards-based, providing services via a distributed architecture, and will be tightly linked with the user community. Four years of development and testing will end with a fifth year that will be dedicated to summative validation of the project deliverables in the Primary Care setting ( 
Date: 1st March 2010 to 31 May 2015
FP7 Reference: 247787
Total cost: €9,726,688
EU Contribution: €7,540,000
Sub-Programme: ICT-2009.5.2 ICT for Patient Safety
Wednesday the 12th.
Ανάπτυξη: Φιολιτάκης Εμμανουήλ

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