Created on Tuesday, 12 June 2012 Last Updated on Thursday, 28 November 2013 Published Date


Project title:  "Self-care Support for People with Long Term Conditions, Diabetes and Heart

Disease: A Whole System Approach"



Acronym: “EU WISE

Project number: 279081

Project duration: 01 January 2012- 2016

Project coordinator: The University of Southampton, UK

Website EUWISE:

EU-WISE Newsletter 1: (original source from: website EUWISE:

Involvement: As a partner


EU-WISE is an integrated project under the 7th Framework Programme of the European Commission designed to focus on understanding capabilities, resources, and changes in health related practices in community and cultural context across EUROPE.
The overall aim of this project is to offer a deeper understanding of the different mechanisms involved in the management of chronic conditions with a specific focus on how initiatives are translated and embedded into the illness management practices in peoples’ everyday life. It is in work, domestic and community settings where these practices are shaped by the emotional, symbolic, ethical, economic, and institutional inter-dependencies that people have with intimate and distant others, and where personal health is constantly negotiated in relation to one’s own well-being and the health and well-being of others. Framed this way, questions related to self-care practices and changes in health behaviours can be stated as a shift in emphasis to a broader agenda for the provision of healthcare. Such an agenda brings into view ideas dominant in academic and policy debates and discussions of self-management which has drawn attention to the limitations of deploying a ‘one size fits all’ approach and the need to devise and implement workable, personally sensitive strategies for self-management and behaviour change that make full use of available technologies (e.g. eHealth, telehealth, virtual networks), personal, community and institutional resources, and which more adequately addresses the needs of socially disadvantaged people.
Thus, the current focus on individuals (e.g. understanding and improving their knowledge and capabilities) requires a complementary focus on understanding capabilities, resources, and change in health related practices as an integral part of peoples’ social networks and as being co-shaped by wider determinants of health). There is also a need to focus on the translation of efforts within health services to explore how professionally defined priorities of chronic illness management are translated acted upon and resourced outside of the consultation.
Wednesday the 12th.
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