



Prior to use please obtain the following:

1) permission from original instrument developer. For your convenience, you may upload a request form here.

2) permission from the Clinic of Social and Family Medicine for the instrument's Greek version.

For your convenience, you may upload a request form here.


Screening Tool

Publication Title



 Family Questionnaire


Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the Greek version of the Family Questionnaire for assessing expressed emotion. K. Koutra,
M. Economou,
S. Triliva,
T. Roumeliotaki,
C. Lionis,
A. N. Vgontzas.


Comprehensive psychiatry 2014; [Epub ahead of print].

Test Your Memory dementia screening instrument


Cultural Adaptation, Standardization and Clinical Validity of the Test Your Memory Dementia Screening Instrument in Greek. E. Iatraki,
P. G. Simos,
C. Lionis,
I. Zaganas,
E. K. Symvoulakis,
E. Papastefanakis,
S. Panagiotakis,
H. Pantelidakis,
K. Papadopoulos,
C. Tziraki.

Dementia and geriatric cognitive disorders 2013; 37:163-180.

 Primary Care Assessment Tool – Short version, Facility survey


Publication under preparation

Publication under preparation  Publication under preparation

Involvement Evaluation Questionnaire -European Union


Assessing the burden of caregivers of patients with mental disorders: translating and validating the Involvement Evaluation Questionnaire into Greek.

V. Sapouna,
V. Dafermos,
M. Chatziarsenis,
V. Vivilaki,
P. Bitsios,
A. H. Schene,
C. Lionis.

Annals of General Psychiatry 2013; 12:3.

The Alzheimer's Disease Knowledge Scale


Translation and Validation of a Questionnaire to Assess the Diagnosis and Management of Dementia in Greek General Practice.

D. Prokopiadou,
M. Papadakaki,
T. Roumeliotaki,
I. D. Komninos,
C. Bastas,
E. Iatraki,
A. Saridaki,
A. Tatsioni,
A. Manyon,
C. Lionis.

Evaluation and the Health Professions 2013; February 1. doi:10.1177/0163278712474988

Family Adaptability and Cohesion Evaluation Scales IV


(access to the original publication)

Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the Greek version of the Family Adaptability and Cohesion Evaluation Scale IV Package (FACES IV).

K. Koutra,
S. Triliva,
C. Roumeliotaki,
C. Lionis,
A. Vgontzas.

Journal of Family Issues 2012; October 24. doi:10.1177/0192513X12462818

The Reflux Disease Questionnaire


Validation of the reflux disease questionnaire into Greek.

E. Oikonomidou,
C. Mihas,
F. Anastasiou,
C. Lionis.


Insights 2012; 4:e20.

The Problem Areas in Diabetes Scale


The Problem Areas In Diabetes (PAID) scale: psychometric evaluation survey in a Greek sample with Type 2 diabetes.

A. Papathanasiou,
A. Koutsovasilis,
S. Shea,
A. Philalithis,
S. Papavasiliou,
A. Melodonis,
C. Lionis.

Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing 2012; February 17. doi:10.1111/j.13652850.2012.01875.x.

Maternal Adjustment and Maternal Attitudes Scale

Validation of theGreek maternal adjustment and maternal attitudes scale for assessing early postpartum adjustment. V. Vivilaki,
V. Dafermos,
L. Gevorgian,
E. Patelarou,
D. Bick,
N. Chopelas,
C. Lionis.

Women & Health 2012; 52:369–90.


The Perceived Stress Scale (versions PSS-4, −10 and −14)

Perceived Stress Scale: Reliability and Validity Study.

E. Andreou,
E. C. Alexopoulos,
C. Lionis,
C. Gnardelis,
G. P. Chrousos,
C. Darviri.

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2011; 8:3287-98.

Women Abuse Screening Tool


Identifying intimate partner violence (IPV) during the postpartum period in a Greek sample.

V. Vivilaki,
V. Dafermos,
M. Daglas,
E. Antoniou,
N. Tsopelas,
P. Theodorakis,
J. B. Browm,
C. Lionis.

Archives of Women’s Mental Health 2010; 13:467-76.

The Short Anxiety Screening Test

The Short Anxiety Screening Test in Greek: translation and validation.

I. Grammatikopoulos,
G. Sinoff,
A. Alegakis,
D. Kounalakis,
M. Antonοpoulou,
C. Lionis.

Annals of General Psychiatry 2010; 9:1.

Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale

The Edinburg Postnatal Depression Scale: translation and validation for a Greek sample.

V. G. Vivilaki,
V. Dafermos,
M. Kogevinas,
P. Bitsios,
C. Lionis.

ΒΜC Public Health 2009; 9:329.

Cancer  Control Practices


Cancer Control Practices: Translation and Cultural Adaptation of an Instrument in Crete, Greece.

M. Trigoni,
M. Mahoney,
J. Moschandreas,
A. Markaki,
C. Lionis.

Journal of Cancer Education 2009; 24:105-6.

Neck Disability Index


Translation of the Neck Disability Index and validation of the Greek version in a sample of neck pain patients.

M. Trouli,
H. Vernon,
K. Kakavelakis,
M. Antonopoulou,
A. Paganas,
C. Lionis.

ΒΜC Musculoskeletal Disorders 2008; 9:106.

EUROPEP (standardized questionnaire)

Translating and validating an instrument for measuring patients’ satisfaction with primary care physicians in Palestine: The case of EUROPEP.

T. Abu-Mourad,
S. Shashaa,
A. Alegakis,
C. Lionis,
A. Philalithis.

European Journal of General Practice 2007; 13:241-3.

Training Needs Assessment Tool


Translating and validating a training needs assessment tool into Greek.

A. Markaki,
N. Antonakis,
C. M. Hicks,
C. Lionis.

ΒΜC Health Services Research 2007; 7:65.

Press Ganey’s “Inpatient Survey” Questionnaire

Translation, cultural adaptation and validation of an inpatient satisfaction measurement tool in a hospital.

E. Petraki,
C. Lionis,
A. Markaki,
A. Alegakis,
G. E. Karagiannis


Master Thesis in Public Health & Health Care Management

November 2007

English Postal Questionnaire

Identifying dyspepsia in the Greek population: translation and validation of a questionnaire.

F. Anastasiou,
N. Antonakis,
G. Chaireti,
P. N. Theodorakis,
C. Lionis.

ΒΜC Public Health 2006; 6:56.

Incontinence-specific Quality of Life


Quality of life of women with urinary incontinence: Cross-cultural performance of 15 language versions of the I-QOL.

D. M. Bushnell,
M. L. Martin,
K. H. Summers,
J. Svihra,
C. Lionis,
L. Patrick.

Quality of Life Research 2005; 14:1901-13.

Chronic Venous Insufficiency Questionnaire


Translation and validation of a quality of life questionnaire for chronic lower limb venous insufficiency into Greek.

K. Erevnidou,
R. Launois,
A. Katsamouris,
C. Lionis.

International angiology

2004; 23:394-9.

Nordic Questionnaire for the musculoskeletal symptoms

Translation and standardization into Greek of the standardized general Nordic questionnaire for the musculoskeletal symptoms.

M. Antonopoulou,
C. Ekdahl,
M. Sgantzos,
N. Antonakis,
C. Lionis

The European Journal of General Practice 2004; 10:33-4.

Healthometer instrument

Face and contents validity, and feasibility of Healthometer: a Delphi study.

L. Spång,
E. A. Thireos,
C. Lionis,
E. Trell.

Journal of Medical System 1999; 23:457-65.

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