Prior to use please obtain the following:
1) permission from original instrument developer. For your convenience, you may upload a request form here.
2) permission from the Clinic of Social and Family Medicine for the instrument's Greek version.
For your convenience, you may upload a request form here.
Screening Tool
Publication Title |
Journal |
Family Questionnaire (FQ) |
Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the Greek version of the Family Questionnaire for assessing expressed emotion. | K. Koutra, M. Economou, S. Triliva, T. Roumeliotaki, C. Lionis, A. N. Vgontzas.
Test Your Memory dementia screening instrument (TYM) |
Cultural Adaptation, Standardization and Clinical Validity of the Test Your Memory Dementia Screening Instrument in Greek. | E. Iatraki, P. G. Simos, C. Lionis, I. Zaganas, E. K. Symvoulakis, E. Papastefanakis, S. Panagiotakis, H. Pantelidakis, K. Papadopoulos, C. Tziraki. |
Dementia and geriatric cognitive disorders 2013; 37:163-180. |
Primary Care Assessment Tool – Short version, Facility survey |
Publication under preparation |
Publication under preparation | Publication under preparation |
Assessing the burden of caregivers of patients with mental disorders: translating and validating the Involvement Evaluation Questionnaire into Greek. |
V. Sapouna, V. Dafermos, M. Chatziarsenis, V. Vivilaki, P. Bitsios, A. H. Schene, C. Lionis. |
Translation and Validation of a Questionnaire to Assess the Diagnosis and Management of Dementia in Greek General Practice. |
D. Prokopiadou, M. Papadakaki, T. Roumeliotaki, I. D. Komninos, C. Bastas, E. Iatraki, A. Saridaki, A. Tatsioni, A. Manyon, C. Lionis. |
Evaluation and the Health Professions 2013; February 1. doi:10.1177/0163278712474988 |
Family Adaptability and Cohesion Evaluation Scales IV (access to the original publication) |
Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the Greek version of the Family Adaptability and Cohesion Evaluation Scale IV Package (FACES IV). |
K. Koutra, S. Triliva, C. Roumeliotaki, C. Lionis, A. Vgontzas. |
Journal of Family Issues 2012; October 24. doi:10.1177/0192513X12462818 |
Validation of the reflux disease questionnaire into Greek. |
E. Oikonomidou, C. Mihas, F. Anastasiou, C. Lionis. |
The Problem Areas In Diabetes (PAID) scale: psychometric evaluation survey in a Greek sample with Type 2 diabetes. |
A. Papathanasiou, A. Koutsovasilis, S. Shea, A. Philalithis, S. Papavasiliou, A. Melodonis, C. Lionis. |
Validation of theGreek maternal adjustment and maternal attitudes scale for assessing early postpartum adjustment. | V. Vivilaki, V. Dafermos, L. Gevorgian, E. Patelarou, D. Bick, N. Chopelas, C. Lionis. |
Women & Health 2012; 52:369–90.
Perceived Stress Scale: Reliability and Validity Study. |
E. Andreou, E. C. Alexopoulos, C. Lionis, C. Gnardelis, G. P. Chrousos, C. Darviri. |
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2011; 8:3287-98. |
Identifying intimate partner violence (IPV) during the postpartum period in a Greek sample. |
V. Vivilaki, V. Dafermos, M. Daglas, E. Antoniou, N. Tsopelas, P. Theodorakis, J. B. Browm, C. Lionis. |
The Short Anxiety Screening Test in Greek: translation and validation. |
I. Grammatikopoulos, G. Sinoff, A. Alegakis, D. Kounalakis, M. Antonοpoulou, C. Lionis. |
The Edinburg Postnatal Depression Scale: translation and validation for a Greek sample. |
V. G. Vivilaki, V. Dafermos, M. Kogevinas, P. Bitsios, C. Lionis. |
Cancer Control Practices: Translation and Cultural Adaptation of an Instrument in Crete, Greece. |
M. Trigoni, M. Mahoney, J. Moschandreas, A. Markaki, C. Lionis. |
Translation of the Neck Disability Index and validation of the Greek version in a sample of neck pain patients. |
M. Trouli, H. Vernon, K. Kakavelakis, M. Antonopoulou, A. Paganas, C. Lionis. |
Translating and validating an instrument for measuring patients’ satisfaction with primary care physicians in Palestine: The case of EUROPEP. |
T. Abu-Mourad, S. Shashaa, A. Alegakis, C. Lionis, A. Philalithis. |
Translating and validating a training needs assessment tool into Greek. |
A. Markaki, N. Antonakis, C. M. Hicks, C. Lionis. |
Translation, cultural adaptation and validation of an inpatient satisfaction measurement tool in a hospital. |
E. Petraki, C. Lionis, A. Markaki, A. Alegakis, G. E. Karagiannis . |
Master Thesis in Public Health & Health Care Management November 2007 |
Identifying dyspepsia in the Greek population: translation and validation of a questionnaire. |
F. Anastasiou, N. Antonakis, G. Chaireti, P. N. Theodorakis, C. Lionis. |
Incontinence-specific Quality of Life (I-QOL) |
Quality of life of women with urinary incontinence: Cross-cultural performance of 15 language versions of the I-QOL. |
D. M. Bushnell, M. L. Martin, K. H. Summers, J. Svihra, C. Lionis, L. Patrick. |
Chronic Venous Insufficiency Questionnaire (CIVIQ) |
Translation and validation of a quality of life questionnaire for chronic lower limb venous insufficiency into Greek. |
K. Erevnidou, |
2004; 23:394-9. |
Translation and standardization into Greek of the standardized general Nordic questionnaire for the musculoskeletal symptoms. |
M. Antonopoulou, C. Ekdahl, M. Sgantzos, N. Antonakis, C. Lionis |
Face and contents validity, and feasibility of Healthometer: a Delphi study. |
L. Spång, E. A. Thireos, C. Lionis, E. Trell. |