
 Project title:“TiTAN Crete -  Tobacco treatment TrAining Network in Crete 

 Funder: Global Bridges

Acronym: “TITAN CRETE”
Project duration: 01 November 2014 – 30 Dec 2016
Project coordinator: Clinic of Social and Family Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Crete 
Involvement: Lead Organization 
Partners: University of Ottawa Heart Institute, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada 
Investigators: Prof. C. Lionis, Dr. C. Vardavas, Dr. S. Papadakis, Prof. A. Pipe, Dr. I. Tsiligianni, Dr. M. Symvoulakis, Dr. I. Mitrouska


TiTAN Crete is a project being conducted as a partnership between the Clinic of Social and Family Medicine and the Division of Prevention and Rehabilitation at the University of Ottawa Heart Institute. The ultimate goal of the TiTAN Crete Project is to develop a network of trained primary health care (PHC) providers in Crete, Greece that will integrate treatment of tobacco dependence into daily clinical practice and become champions of tobacco control policy.

As part of this two-year project we will undertake to design and deliver a multi-component tobacco treatment training program specifically for use in primary care providers practices in Crete.  The training program and in=practice supports have been designed to support primary care providers in delivering the latest evidence-based tobacco treatments to their patients who smoke. The program will adapt a successful intervention program developed by the University of Ottawa Heart Institute for use in Crete.  The effectiveness of the training program will be tested using a pre-post evaluation design. Data collection will occur in all participating practices before implementation of the program and repeated 6-months later to determine effect on the delivery of evidence-based tobacco treatments. The assets created as part of the TiTAN Crete Program will be available for use more broadly in Crete and Greece following the conclusion of the project. 


Aim 1: To develop a multi-component tobacco treatment training program for PHC providers in Crete, Greece.

Activity 1.1: Develop a faculty of tobacco treatment experts, PHC providers, and stakeholders who will deliver tobacco treatment training to the PHC providers.

Activity 1.2: Create a curriculum/training program on tobacco treatment for PHC based on national and international experience and best practice guidelines.

Aim 2: To adapt and deliver the provider/practice resources to ensure maximal sustainability among PHC providers in Crete, Greece.

Activity 2.1: Conduct a needs assessment with PHC providers in Crete.
Activity 2.2: Produce a set of tools in Greek which are designed to support the 3As model of tobacco treatment.
Activity 2.3: Deliver advanced tobacco treatment training to the existing practice-based research network within PHC in Crete.
Activity 2.4: Perform program evaluation to inform program refinement.
Activity 2.5: Engagement of PHC practice networks for continued expansion of the Global Bridges tobacco treatment network in Greece.


Clinical Trials Registration: ID ISRCTN10306198 http://www.isrctn.com/ISRCTN10306198
Total Funding: $100,000 USD


Wednesday the 12th.
Ανάπτυξη: Φιολιτάκης Εμμανουήλ

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