Cancer Registry





Coordimnator and Scientific director: Prof. Christos. Lionis, MD, PhD


Short description:

The Cancer Registry of Crete (CRC) is a capacity aiming to suggest reliable preventive and management measures on cancer mortality and morbidity by monitoring the disease dynamics; activated since 1992 in Crete, Greece. It is supported by the Department of Medical Oncology of the University General Hospital of Heraklion (Director of CRC: Prof. V.Georgoulias) and the Clinic of Social and Family Medicine (Scientific director and coordinator of CRC: Prof. C.Lionis)(website under construction).

Other main objectives are to publish data on cancer mortality or morbidity, collaborate in setting methodological standards and creating an inventive research framework regarding data privacy, data-mining techniques and application of an integrated digital monitoring system.

Currently, under the support of the Region of Crete, it opened a prospective new framework of a new digital cancer monitoring system (CMS) and set the objectives for 2014, as follows.

Objectives for 2014:

(i)                 To continue data collection using the same sources of information, as in 1992

(ii)               To use international standards of disease classification (ICD10, ICD10 oncology 3rdedition)

(iii)             To develop and publish an annual report based on the mortality and morbidity data in relation to gender, age, stage of disease at diagnosis, place of residence, personal medical history and co morbidities.

(iv)             To use more sophisticated methods of analysis using dynamicsystems, spatio-temporalmodeling and models for forecasting future dispersion in time and space (interpolationpredictionmodels, longitudinalanalysis).


More information about CRC aim, history, annual reports, publications, statistics, collaborations are available at its official website (website under construction).

Contact info:

Official site:

Day-time telephone: + 30 2810394613 (Dimitra Sifaki-Pistolla)

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Wednesday the 12th.
Ανάπτυξη: Φιολιτάκης Εμμανουήλ

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