
 Project title:“A Trans-european research project on selective prevention actions against cardio-metabolic diseases 


Acronym: “SPIMEU

Type of action: HP-PJ, 3rd Health Programme
Proposal number: SEP-210199902
Project duration: May 2015 to April 2018.
Project coordinator: NIVEL: Netherlands Institute for Health Services Research, The Netherlands
Partners: NIVEL: Netherlands Institute for Health Services Research, The Netherlands, Julius Center: The Julius Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care, The Netherlands, Karolinska Institutet, Sweden, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark, Charles University, Czech Republic, University of Crete, Greece

The SPIMEU is a Trans-european research project with the aim to contribute to the reduction of cardio-metabolic diseases in the EU member states. This will be pursued by establishing the feasibility of implementing selective prevention actions in five EU member states representing various health systems.


The SPIMEU project contains 8 work packages (WP) comprising:

• A systematic collection of information on characteristics, incl. success and failure factors, of existing selective prevention programs for cardio-metabolic diseases in all 28 EU member states. The information will be collected from national experts. Selective prevention programs targets those at higher-than average risk of cardio-metabolic diseases; individuals are identified by the magnitude and nature of risk factors to which they are exposed (WP4)

• A systematic literature review on existing knowledge and evidence regarding determinants of uptake and compliance with selective prevention programs (WP5)

• A survey among health care professionals and among the general population in 5 EU member states on the acceptability of selective prevention actions and feasibility of an innovative implementation strategy of selective prevention (WP6)

• Based on results from WP 4-6 and on the Dutch guideline Prevention Consultation: Cardio-metabolic Risk (PC CMR) a tailored selective prevention program is designed. The program can be tailored to the country-specific context in 5 EU member states taking into account the national health care systems, the level of primary care orientation and the level of gatekeeping (WP7)

• The tailored selective prevention program is tested in a feasibility study. The study is carried out in 5 EU member states including up to 10 primary care practices per country and a random sample of 20 eligible patients attending each practice (WP8)

• Work package 1-3 comprises specific project coordination, dissemination and evaluation activities


For further information on the project:

Ms Agapi Angelaki, MPH ( This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ),Scientific Researcher of the Clinic of Social and Family Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Crete

Dr. Joke Korevaar,Research coordinator general practice care, NIVEL – Netherlands Institute for Health Services Research
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
website: www.spimeu.org 

Wednesday the 12th.
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