

Project title: "REsearch into implementation STrategies to support patients of different

                       ORigins and language"



Acronym: “RESTORE”

Project number: 257258

Project duration: 01 April 2011 – 30 April 2015

Project coordinator: Prof. Anne MacFarlane - Limerick University, Ireland


Involvement: As a partner


RESTORE is a European Project involving Ireland, Scotland, United Kingdom, Netherlands, Greece and Austria which focuses on “optimising medical and psychosocial primary care for migrants in Europe with a particular focus on communication in cross-cultural consultations.” RESTORE applies innovative scientific methods - Normalisation Process Theory (NPT) and Participatory Learning and Action (PLA) research - in primary care settings. As an inter-disciplinary team, they seek to use these cutting edge research tools to make a real impact on cross-cultural healthcare consultations. RESTORE researchers are trying to gain new insights into this healthcare experience, by focusing on the particular needs of migrants as well as the service providers with whom they consult. The aim is to bring together all stakeholders involved in migrant care so that all perspectives can be explored and understood. RESTORE spans sociology, cultural anthropology, general practice, healthcare policy and implementation science.

RESTORE is concerned with the following questions:

  •   How are the results of healthcare research about supporting communication in cross-cultural consultations translated into practice in primary care clinical settings?
  •   Can recent advances in implementation science bring real and tangible benefits in a migrant healthcare context?
  •  How should healthcare policies be adapted to fully support the needs of service users and service providers in cross-cultural primary care consultations?
  •   How should research findings be used to inform the training and education of primary healthcare providers


RESTORE Objectives:

The five study objectives are to determine:

  •   What guidelines and/or training initiatives are currently available in our partner countries that have been generated by primary care research in a way that was inclusive of all key stakeholders?
  •   How are the guidelines and/or training initiatives translated into practice by primary care staff? What are the processes of implementation, 'on the ground' in routine practice?
  •   What is the capacity of primary care settings in different countries (and, therefore, different organisational contexts) to incorporate implementation processes within their current organisational arrangement?
  •   Is the implementation work for guidelines and/or training initiatives sustainable - leading to normalised use of these technologies in routine practice?
  •   What are the benefits (if any) of using NPT and PLA to investigate and support implementation processes? There will be co-operation between an inter-disciplinary team of experienced researchers, across 6 European health care settings with different organizational contexts and capacities to respond to this implementation work. *


*This information has been compiled from the RESTORE website:

Wednesday the 12th.
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