04/11/2016: Honoring award for the Cancer Registry of Crete by the Cretan Medical Association
The “Kalligiannis” Prize is financed by Mrs.Electra Kalligianni and was provided to the Cancer Registry of Crete during the 18th Pancretan Medical conference that was held at Rethymnon in 4/11/2016.
31/10/2016:6th Panhellenic Congress of Forum
6th Panhellenic Congress of Forum: Public Health and Social Medicine. Social Inequalities and Public Health 2016 – 31 October – 1 November, Athens, Greece
The 6th Panhellenic Congress of Forum: Public Health and Social Medicine was held in Athens, Greece, on 31 October and 1November 2016. On behalf of the EUR-HUMAN Consortium and the team of the University of Crete, Professor Christos Lionis, Ms. Agapi Aggelaki and Dr Enkeleint-Aggelos Mechili participated at the meeting.
29/10/2016:Activities of the cancer registry off Crete
The regional Cancer Registry of Crete is a joint activity of the Clinic of Social and Family Medicine and the Oncology Department of the University Hospital in Heraklion, Crete. Recently it completed the data collection process for all malignant neoplasms in Crete, from 1992 to 2013 and participated in three major conferences that offered great opportunities for networking, as described below.
Read more: 29/10/2016:Activities of the cancer registry off Crete
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