04/11/2016: Honoring award for the Cancer Registry of Crete by the Cretan Medical Association


The “Kalligiannis” Prize is financed by Mrs.Electra Kalligianni and was provided to the Cancer Registry of Crete during the 18th Pancretan Medical conference that was held at Rethymnon in 4/11/2016.


The “Kalligiannis” Prize is financed by Mrs.Electra Kalligianni and was provided to the Cancer Registry of Crete during the 18th Pancretan Medical conference that was held at Rethymnon in 4/11/2016. Α full paper of the Cancer Registry of Crete entitled “Cancer geo-epidemiology in Crete: current situation and forecast of the future variation” won the prize after blinded evaluation of the submitted studies by the Cretan Medical Association committee.

This prize is a great honor for the Cancer Registry of Crete that reflects not only the efforts of the authors but also the contribution of the entire team (registrars, scientific committee, past and current collaborators).


Find more at: http://crc.uoc.gr/?p=432&lang=en




Wednesday the 12th.
Ανάπτυξη: Φιολιτάκης Εμμανουήλ

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