29/09/2016: The consortium of the EUR-HUMAN project attending the EFPC 2016 Riga Conference 4-6 September



The 2016 EFPC conference in Riga was again a success. With 145 participants it was well attended and the strength of the conference was in the content and discussions.


"Crosscutting Informal Care and Professional Primary Care".

It was organised in close collaboration with Riga Stradins University, the Latvian NHS, Ministry of Health and the Riga health & social care authorities and focussed on the question: how to make sure that informal carers at community level will feel supported, surrounded and even integrated with professional Primary Care in such a way that the best possible care can be provided for those elderly or chronic patients. Key-note speakers from the Latvian Samaritan Association, Andris Bērziņš, and EuroCarers, Stecy Yghemonos, provided their viewpoints on this topic. Their presentations can be found on the Programme webpage, together with the Latvian and Lithuanian introductions of the Primary Care systems of these Baltic countries. 

Most of all other presentations of the parallel sessions can also be found at the conference Programme webpage, including those of the challenging workshops chaired by linked projects and networks like EUR-HUMAN,ESSENCIALCOTECWES, etc. EUR-HUMAN focussed on the preliminary results on what Primary Care can provide in the care for refugees, followed by an extensive discussion chaired by EFPC Advisory Board member Kate O'Donnell with a large group of stakeholders.

Keep track via #EFPC2017 and the EFPC newsflash for next year Porto conference, 24-26 September 2017.



Friday the 14th.
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