29/10/2016:Activities of the cancer registry off Crete


The regional Cancer Registry of Crete is a joint activity of the Clinic of Social and Family Medicine and the Oncology Department of the University Hospital in Heraklion, Crete. Recently it completed the data collection process for all malignant neoplasms in Crete, from 1992 to 2013 and participated in three major conferences that offered great opportunities for networking, as described below.


5/10-7/10  ENCR scientific meeting and General Assembly in Baveno, Italy 

1 poster (Lung cancer and annual mean exposure to outdoor air pollution in Crete, Greece) and 1 oral speech (Evidence-based toolkit of spatial epidemiology and analysis to enhance cancer surveillance), presented by Dr. Dimitra Sifaki-Pistolla.
Other achievements: 

• Networking with several delegates and representatives from various cancer registries around Europe.

• We received excellent feedback for the poster and the oral speech. They were impressed on the methodological and analysis processes we follow and asked for networking and collaborations.

• We met the representatives of the central office of ENCR-Joint Research Centre in European Commission and we agreed on strengthening our collaboration. First step: Offer data and link them with the central database in order to represent Greece in the ENCR annual reports. Future steps: Participate in joint scientific research, projects and scientific papers.


19/10-21/10 IACR conference in Marrakech, Morocco

6 posters and 1 oral speech; Dr. Sifai-Pistolla Dimitra presented 3 posters and had 1 oral speech, Mrs. Chatzea Vasiliki-Eirini presented 3 posters.

Other achievements:

  • Networking with several delegates and representatives from various cancer registries around the world.



•We received excellent feedback for our posters, while all of our printed poster copies (A4, approximately 100) were handled out.


During the oral presentation if the CRC, great interest was shown and several questions were addressed during the discussion and the coffee break.




All young researchers that were candidates for the Enrico Anglesio Prize award were separately presented during the closing ceremony. 


• We confirmed the collaboration of the CRC with the European Network of Cancer Registries (ENCR). The CRC will provide data and will represent Greece. (Contact person: Dr. Giusti Francesco and Dr. Giorgia Randi). 

• The representative (Dr. Maja Maki) of the CONCORD study (http://csg.lshtm.ac.uk/research/themes/concord-programme/) expressed great interest on the CRC’s work and proposed to establish a future collaboration for CONCORD-3 study. We discussed extensively about our data and the benefits of becoming members of their study (eg. Publications in high impact journals, joint research and projects, technical supports, guidelines, potential funding, free participation in their educational and training seminars etc.). 
EPH conference in Vienna-9-12 November 2016
1 poster (Lung cancer geographical variation in Crete, 1992-2013. Insights from a population-based registry) and 1 oral speech (Towards developing evidence-based GIS-driven infrastructure for cancer surveillance in Greece). Dr. Dimitra Sifaki-Pistolla will attend the conference and present our work, while having a working meeting with the ENCR representative.

More information and photos are available here: www.crc.uoc.gr



Wednesday the 12th.
Ανάπτυξη: Φιολιτάκης Εμμανουήλ

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