Vice Director


Dr. Antonis Koutis, MD, PhD:


Name:                 Dr. Antonis Koutis, MD, PhDDr Antonis Koutis

                           Clinic of Social and Family Medicine, University Hospital

Email:                 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Tel:                    +30 2810 394622

Fax:                  +30 2810 394606


Brief Curriculum Vitae:

Antonis Koutis, MD, PhD, has the specialty of social medicine and has worked at The University of Crete, School of Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Social Medicine, Clinic of Social and Family Medicine, since 1986, as research associate and tutor and The University General Hospital of Herakleion, Department of Social Medicine, Clinic of Social and Family Medicine, Health Promotion Unit, since 1989, as registrar, consultant, vice director and director. His main work and research interests focus on the development of community primary health care and prevention and health promotion projects. He is work has involved the development of primary health care units in the municipalities of Heraklion, with a particular focus on home care and health promotion activities. He also has a keen interest in social determinants of health and health inequalities, issues that he teaches at both an undergraduate and postgraduate level. In his spare time he enjoys studying philosophy and poetry, together with writing poetry.

Wednesday the 12th.
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