Geo-Maths in Primary Care



The GeoMaths team (Geography/GIS and Mathematics) in Primary Care operates under the support of the Clinic of Social and Family Medicine (CSFM) of the Medical Faculty of the University of Crete. Its aim is to develop and disseminate knowledge in Primary Health Care (PHC) and Public Health, using GIS technology, spatial statistics, prediction modelling and pure mathematics, both locally and internationally. Cancer and Coronary heart disease is the main focus of the GIS team which strives to evaluate the current situation and suggest future strategic planning and prevention measures empowering PHC in times of economic crisis.


This aim will be achieved by:

a) Collaborations with other Universities or Departments, either in existing projects or new ones.

b) Creation and establishment of new methodologies in PHC and Public Health research as well as philosophy of Epidemiology and Health research.

c) International publications or conference participations, promoting the use of spatial and mathematical analysis in PHC (special focus on cancer and coronary heart disease) in macro and micro level.


Members of the GeoMaths team in Primary health Care and Public Health:

Georgia D. Pistolla, PhD

Dimitra I.Sifaki-Pistolla, Msc, PhD student

Wednesday the 12th.
Ανάπτυξη: Φιολιτάκης Εμμανουήλ

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