Tenured Staff - Researchers


Dr Ada Markaki:


Name:                 Adelais (Ada) Markaki, APRN-BC, PhDDr. Ada Markaki

Title:                    Instructor, Primary Health Care – Dept. of Social Medicine

Contact details:  Clinic of Social and Family Medicine, Faculty of Medicine,

                           PO Box 2208, University of Crete, Voutes, Heraklion

                           71003 Crete, Greece

Telephone:         +30 2810 394615

Fax:                   +30 2810 394606

e-mail:                 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Website              https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Adelais_Markaki/?ev=hdr_xprf

Brief Curriculum Vitae

Ada  Markaki  is  a  Clinical  Specialist  in  Public  Health/Community  Nursing.  She holds  a  PhD  from the Faculty of  Medicine, University of Crete, Greece, as well as a Master  of  Science  in  Nursing  (MSN)  and  a  Master  of  Arts  (MA)  in  Medical Anthropology from Case Western Reserve University, U.S.A.

Dr. Markaki’s professional experience spans over 27 years, with the first 15 years in the  U.S.A.,  where  she  held  a  number  of  clinical,  research,  administrative,  and consulting positions.
Upon  returning  to  Greece,  she  taught  undergraduate  nursing  students  at  the Τechnological  Εducational  Ιnstitute of Crete.  As a  clinical  specialist  nurse, employed by  the  Regional  Health  System  of  Crete,  she  was  responsible  for  planning, coordinating,  and  supporting  all  NHS  primary  health  care  services  and  personnel activities throughout the island of Crete.

In 2010,  she  was  appointed Instructor at the  Department  of Social Medicine,  where she  teaches  undergraduate  medical  students  as  well  as  MPH  students.  She  also coordinates  the  annual  visit  of  students  and  faculty  from  the  Upper  Midwest Association of  International Education consortium  in the US, as part of  the cultural immersion  course  “The  Greek  Connection:  Embracing  Transcultural  Caring  in Ancient and Modern Greece”.

As a Researcher  at the CSFM  since 2001, she has been actively involved in several research projects. The  latest,  funded by the National Strategic Reference  Framework 2007-2013,  is  entitled  “Operational  integration between  primary  healthcare  (PHC) and  other  healthcare  entities  using  standardized  quality  processes”.  Her  main research  interests  include:  primary  health  care,  collaborative  practice, multidisciplinary  teams,  inter-professional  teaching,  continuing  education, compassionate  care,  human  resource  management,  capacity  building,  and  organ donation  policy/systems.  Her  research  has  been  published  in  national  and international peer-reviewed journals.

Dr. Markaki  serves in the  editorial  panel  or as  a  reviewer  for  the following scientific journals:  “International  Journal  of  Rural  and  Remote  Health”,  “Applied  Nursing Research”  and  “Protovathmia  Frontida Ygeias”.  In  2003  she  was  appointed  Expert Nurse  by the  Hellenic Nurses’ National Association for  the  International  Council  of Nurses  (ICN)  regarding  primary  health  care,  home  care  and  advanced  practice nursing.  She  is  the  first  Advanced  Practice  Nurse  in  Greece  to  be  certified  in Public/Community Health Nursing by the American Credentialing Nursing Center.

Wednesday the 12th.
Ανάπτυξη: Φιολιτάκης Εμμανουήλ

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