Completion of European FP7 RESTORE


 The Clinic is proud to announce the successful completion of another European FP7 Collaborative project called RESTORE (REsearch into implementation STrategies to support patients of different ORigins and language background in a variety of European primary care settings). 


Restore Health of Migrants



The Clinic is proud to announce the successful completion of another European FP7 Collaborative project called RESTORE (REsearch into implementation STrategies to support patients of different ORigins and language background in a variety of European primary care settings). 

Professor Lionis and colleagues recently traveled to Limerick, Ireland for a conference dedicated to the closure of the RESTORE project and its dissemination. 

Please refer to the links below:
conference programme


To see the presentations from the conference, RESTORE’s publications and research outputs, please visit the project’s website:




Friday the 14th.
Ανάπτυξη: Φιολιτάκης Εμμανουήλ

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